This is really, the absolute danglers. There are not many ingredients either. Begin in the morning before you go to work, and chuck two tins of chickpeas and a jar of curry sauce in the slow cooker. Add some water (to stop it all getting too thick) and plonk a piece of lamb in. Dont expect it to look good yet.

When you get home, you will open the door and be greeted by a lamby, chickpeay spicy smell, wafting through the house. So by all means, dig in now if you must. However, I cooled it all down and put it in the fridge for the night, and lifted some of the fat off the next day.

I cut the meat up and warmed everything up in a pan. Add a bit more water too. At the end, I quickly fried some onions and peppers over a high heat, just until they started to go brown round the edges, then mixed them in.

Troff it down with rice, and some yoghurt and chopped cucumber.