The recipe for this came from a charity booklet of celeb chef's family recipes, I found in Morrisons one day. This was in there, by Mary Berry, and she called it "Hot Plum Torte" which I think is sexing it up a bit. Its just a sponge mixture in a dish, fruit on top (common sense suggests you might want to poach a hard fruit for a bit first), sprinkle on some sugar, and bake it.
Use an approx 28cm diameter ovenproof dish, and have the oven at about 180c. If your dish is smaller in diameter (therefore the pud being a bit deeper) I suggest a bit cooler, and cook a bit longer. I learned that from experience. Mix and beat 75g butter, 75g sugar, 100g SR flour, 1tsp baking powder, the zest of an orange and 2 large eggs in a bowl. Spoon into the dish or tin. Tumble, chuck, or place 900g of your chosen fruit on top. Sprinkle over approx 150g demerara sugar, depending on your taste or the sweetness of the fruit. Bake for 30 mins and check it. Mine always needs a bit longer in the dish I use. Torte, my arse. This is just lovely PUDDIN and just right after your Sunday lunch! With custard or ice cream!